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Opening several disks/partitions in one tab

You may open several disks / partitions in one tab. Then you may search for files and recover them from several disks/partitions at once. This is especially useful if files are to be recovered from several recognized partitions found on one real disk/partition or a drive.

To open several disks/partitions in one tab,

1 Open one partition in a usual way ( double-click a logical disk, for example).
2 Right-click the next partition, select Show Files In Tab , and select the tab you want the partition appear in, or

drag the disk/partition from the Device view to the required tab.

Click to enlarge

Several partitions in one tab

> R‑Studio will show files from several partitions in one tab
Click to enlarge

Several partitions in one tab

Now files may be searched for, marked for recovery, and recovered.


To remove a disk/partition from the tab,

1 Right-click the required disk/partition in the tab and select Close drive in the shortcut menu.
Click to enlarge

Several partitions in one tab

> R‑Studio will remove the selected disk/partition from the  tab