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  • Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio

Scanning for known file types, also known as raw file search, is one of R-Studio's most powerful data recovery techniques. By specifying known file types in R-Studio, you can recover certain types of files from a disk even when its data structure has been partially or completely damaged.

Under normal circumstances, the partition table is used to locate files on a disk. In a way, a partition table is a bit like an index in a book. R-Studio scans for known file types in lieu of this partition table by searching for identifiable file signatures. This is possible because almost every file type has a recognizable data pattern (i.e. file signature or magic number) that acts like a fingerprint for the file type. File signatures occur at the beginning of the file at a certain offset, and in many cases, at the end of the file as well. By scanning for these file signatures, R-Studio can identify and recover files and data, as long as it's a known file type.

Using scan for known file types, R-Studio can recover data from disks and drives that have been formatted or have had their partition tables overwritten. In fact, in cases where the partition has been overwritten, damaged or deleted, a scan for known file types is the only viable method of file recovery.

Sure, everything has its own drawback, and scan for known file types is not an exception. It can recover only un-fragmented files, but once again, for many data recovery cases, this is the last working remedy.

Out of the box, R-Studio comes with the most popular file types already predefined. (To see the full list of known file types, read the Disk Scan page in the R-Studio Online Help.)

You can add known file types to your R-Studio installation in order to meet your specific needs. For example, if you are searching for a proprietary file type developed in-house or a file type that was created after the latest release of R-Studio, you can expand R-Studio's list of known file types by creating a custom known file type. Read on to learn how to create custom known file types.

User-defined Known File Types
Custom known file types are stored in an XML file, which can be loaded in the Settings dialog box. Adding a user-defined known file type involves two steps:

  1. Identifying the file signature that appears at the beginning of the file, and, if possible, the file signature at the end.
  2. Specifying the user-defined file in the built-in graphic editor or creating an XML file that contains the file signature and other information about the known file type.

Both of these tasks can be completed with R-Studio. You don't need to be particularly well versed in XML or hex editing - this tutorial will walk you through the process step-by-step and is appropriate even for beginner skill levels.

Example: Defining a Known File Type for MP4 (XDCam-EX Codec)
To illustrate both of these steps, we'll be creating a known file type description for an .MP4 file created using a Sony XDCAM-EX. This could be useful, for instance, if your SD card became corrupted and you wanted to recover videos that you hadn't yet imported to your computer.

Part One: Finding the File Signature
To find a file signature for a known file type, start with intact files of the same type that you'll be attempting to recover.

For this example, we'll be looking at four of video files from a Sony XDCAM-EX:

Note that these files are very short, for the sake of clarity in this tutorial. The actual files you deal with may be larger, and thus harder to navigate in them in hex form.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: List of Files to test
Click image to enlarge

1. Open the files in the hexadecimal editor built into R-Studio. To do so, right-click the files and choose View/Edit in the shortcut menu.

2. Compare each of the files for similarities. You're looking for a pattern that is exactly the same across all four files. This is the file signature. File signatures usually appear at the beginning of the file, but sometimes they also appear at the end.

3. Locate the file signature at the beginning of the file. In this example, the file signature occurs at the very beginning of the file. Note that this is not always the case — occasionally, the file signature will be early in the file, but not on the first line (this is called an offset).

As you can see in these screenshots, the bulk of the file contents are different, yet each begins with the same file signature.

Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: File signature in File 1
Click image to enlarge

Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: File signature in File 2
Click image to enlarge

Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: File signature in File 3
Click image to enlarge

Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: File signature in File 4
Click image to enlarge

The highlighted areas in the above screenshot are the file signatures for this known file type. This is represented in text as well as hex.

In text, the file signature is:


The dots (".") in the text string denote characters that can't be printed in a readable format. For this reason, it's necessary to also take note of the hex version of the file signature:

00 00 00 18 66 74 79 6D 70 34 32 00 00 00 00 6D 70 34 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 66 72 65 65

4. Locate the file signature at the end of the file. This is the same as the previous step, except we'll be looking at the very end of the file for another file signature. This may not necessarily be the same file signature or the same length as the file signature at the beginning.

The ending file signature is highlighted in the screenshots below:
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: File signature at the end of File 1
Click image to enlarge

Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: File signature at the end of File 2
Click image to enlarge

Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: File signature at the end of File 3
Click image to enlarge

Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: File signature at the end of File 4
Click image to enlarge

If you read before the highlighted area that we are calling the file signature, you'll notice that the data is similar across all four files. This is because each of the files was shot by the same camera with the same settings. This technical information is not part of the file signature. Usually, you can spot the difference between coincidentally similar patterns and the actual file signature. In this example, you can see that the previous line reads 'RecordingMode type="normal"' which clearly denotes it as a parameter of some sort. To avoid erroneously including such technical information in your file signature, try to focus on the very last line.

In this case, the file signature in text is:


Recall that the dots are non-printable characters.

In HEX, the file signature is:

3N 2F 4E 6F 6E 52 65 61 6N 54 69 6A 65 4A 65 74 61 3E 0D 0A 00

Note: there won't always be a file signature at the end of the file.

Part 2: Writing a Known File Type Description File
Now that we have the file signatures in hand, we can create an XML file to tell R-Studio to include it in its known file types database. There're two ways to do this:

2.1 Using the built-in graphic editor:
(See the R-Studio on-line help Customizing File Types for more information.)
Select Settings on the Tools menu to open the Settings panel. Go to the Known Files Types tab and click the Edit User’s File Types button.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Settings panel
Click image to enlarge

Click the Create File Type button on the Edit User's File Types dialog box.
Specify the following parameters:

  • Id - A unique integer. R-Studio will automatically assign an arbitrary number, the only requirement is that it isn't shared by any other custom known file type.
  • Group Description - A file group used to display results in R-Studio. You can create a custom own or use a predefined group. For this example, we'll use "Multimedia Video".
  • Description - A description of the file type. For our example, we can use "Sony cam video, XDCam-EX".
  • Extension - the file extension for our known file type. In our case, it is mp4.

Features is an optional parameter, we don't need to use it for our case.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Built-in graphic editor
Click image to enlarge

Then we need to enter file signature for the beginning and end of the file. To do so, select Begin and click the Add Signature button.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Built-in graphic editor - creating a signature for the file's beginning
Click image to enlarge

Then click <empty signature> and enter the signature's text.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Built-in graphic editor - adding a signature text
Click image to enlarge

Then create the signature for the file's end. Don't forget to enter 21 into the From filed.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Built-in graphic editor - adding a signature text
Click image to enlarge

You've successfully created a new user's known file types.

Now we need to save it. There's two options: you may either save it to the default file specified on the Main tab of the Settings panel by clicking the Save button to do this. Or click the Save As.. button to save it to some other file.

2.2 Writing the Known File Type Description File manually:
(See the R-Studio on-line help Customizing File Types-I for more information.)
To write this file, we'll be using XML version 1.0 and UTF-8 encoding. Don't worry if you're not sure what this means - just open a plain text editor (such as Notepad.exe) and enter the following text on the first line:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Next, we'll create an XML tag that defines the FileType. Using the above attributes, the full XML tag will look like this:

<FileType id="50001" group="Multimedia Video" description="Sony cam video, XDCam-EX" extension="mp4">

Insert this right after <FileTypeList>

Next, we'll define the file signature using the <Signature> tag. The beginning file signature is simply wrapped in a <Signature> tag with no attributes or elements. Use the text version of the file signature, but sub out the hexadecimals for non-printable characters. Place "\x" before each hexadecimal. So, the <Signature> portion will look like this:


If one exists, define the file signature from the end, too. Do this the same way as the beginning file signature, except include a "from" element with the attribute "end".
It will look like this:

<Signature from="end" offset="21">\x3C\x2FNonRealTimeMeta\x3E\x0D\x0A\x00</Signature>

Recall that there were no non-printable characters in the ending file signature, but there were slashes and triangle brackets. To avoid confusion, we included the hexadecimal values instead of the "/" and "<" and ">" characters, so that these characters don't get mistaken for XML syntax.

Once you've added your file signatures, close the FileType and FileTypeList tags with these lines:


So, the complete file should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>   <FileTypeList>
    <FileType id="50001" group="Multimedia Video" description="Sony cam video, XDCam-EX" extension="mp4">
      <Signature from="end" offset="21">\x3C\x2FNonRealTimeMeta\x3E\x0D\x0A\x00</Signature>

Remember: XML is case sensitive. So, <filetype> will not be valid, while <FileType> is.

Save the file in plain text format with an .xml extension. For example: SonyCam.xml.

You've successfully created a custom known file type. This is sufficient for basic user-defined known file types. For more advanced users, you can use XML version 2.0. For full details on the proper XML version 2.0 syntax, refer to the R-Studio online help: Customizing File Types-II.

Part 3: Validating and Adding Known File Type Description Files
The next step is to add your XML file to R-Studio. R-Studio will validate the XML file before adding it.

Load the XML file that you created in the previous section into R-Studio. Do this by clicking Tools -> Settings. In the section that reads User's file types, browse to your XML file (in our example, it's SonyCam.xml). Click Apply.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Settings Panel
Click image to enlarge

2. When prompted on whether you want to load the File Type Definition, click Yes.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Loading the File
Click image to enlarge

3. Ensure that the file type was loaded successfully by clicking on the Known File Types tab in the Settings dialog. Recall that we placed ours in the Multimedia Video group. Expand this folder and you should see it listed with the description we gave it in Part 2: Sony cam video, XDCam-EX (.mp4).
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Known File Types tab
Click image to enlarge

Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Known File Types tab
Click image to enlarge

If there were syntax errors, the following message would've appeared:
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Error Message
Click image to enlarge

If you see this, go back and check your XML for syntax errors. Remember: XML is case sensitive and all tags must be closed.

Part 4: Testing Your Custom known file type Description
To test to see if our user-defined known file type works, we can try finding our .mp4 files on a removable USB flash drive.

1. Under Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11, perform a full format on a disk (not a quick format), or use a disk wipe utility like R-Wipe & Clean, to wipe all previous data from it. A USB drive is fine for this test. Make sure that it's formatted as a FAT32 volume (provided that the test files are less than 2 GB).

2. Copy your test files to the disk and restart your computer. This will ensure that the cache is properly written to the disk. You can also disconnect the external disk and re-connect it again.

3. Mount the disk with the test files. For our example, we mounted it as the F:\ drive.

4. Launch R-Studio. Select disk with the test files and click the Scan button.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Disk Scan
Click image to enlarge

5. In the Scan dialog box, clear all the text that appears in the field "File System". This will prevent R-Studio from using the partition table to locate files using the existing file system.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Scan Dialog Box
Click image to enlarge

6. Check the box next to Extra Search for Known File Types. This enables the scan for known file types.

7. Click Scan to begin the search.

8. Wait as R-Studio performs the scan. The Scan Information tab shows the progress of the overall process.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Disk Scan Progress
Click image to enlarge

9. Look for an item that reads Extra Found Files once R-Studio finishes the scan. Double-click it.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Scan Results
Click image to enlarge

10. Our test files will be located in the Sony cam video, XDCam-EX folder (or whatever description you gave your file type in Part 2).
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Extra Found Files
Click image to enlarge

As you can see, the names, dates and folder tree for the files were not recovered, since this information is held in the file system. As such, R-Studio automatically assigns each file a new filename.

However, as you'll see, the contents of the files are completely intact. To test them, view them with a compatible program, such as VLC media player.
Creating a Custom Known File Type for R-Studio: Test File
Click image to enlarge

R-Studio's scan for known file types enables you to recover files even from disk with severely damaged or overwritten file systems or partition tables. The known file types feature allows you to efficiently locate files based on their file signature, which is particularly useful when you know what kind of files you are trying to recover, as we did in this example. R-Studio's support for user-defined known file types expands this feature to include any file type that has an identifiable file signature.

Data Recovery Feedback
372 feedbacks
Rating: 4.8 / 5
I have used R-studio with USB Stabilizer,Rapid-spar,Deep spar, Pc3000, MRT.I am thoroughly satisfied.Now i have made head maps to isolate bad heads of hard disk when used with mounted disks.
I was completely lost. My Mac seemed to have eaten my 4TB external USB drive - was formatted APFS encrypted. The volume just disappeared while running and I had to reboot and when it came back the volume could not be unlocked / mounted natively. I tried a whole heap of methods (https://github.com/libyal/libfsapfs/, drat and many others) to no avail. R-Studio data recovery was able to recover the entire volume - a complete life saver, worth every cent!
I really love your R-Studio product, I am doing Data Recovery as a professional, I used RS since the early versions and I loved the product, as far as I can tell, R-Studio, especially the Tech Version (but including the standard) is one of the best and excellent tools for a pro to have in the arsenal of tools in a pro DR lab, especially combining with the specialized Data Recovery hardware providers like DeepSpar, and PC3000, the rest of `wannabees` out there are waste of time, strongly recommend
I lost more than 200K files from my NAS due to a mistake. I tried 3 different recovery solutions over the 4 TB raid disks, and all of them performed ok but to be honest none of them were able to Raw recover the files and rename them with meaningful names out of the Metadata like R-TT did, then I was able to sort again my files and pictures and kind of restore all of them.

R-TT may not be the easiest or most user-friendly solution, but the algorithm used for the renaming saved me THOUSAND of hours of opening ...
Just recovered my old ext4 partition with R-Studio after trying testdisk and R-Linux without success. That partition was overwritten by another ext4 partition and I was losing my hope until I tried R-Studio demo. It detected all my files and directories again!

Bought it and 100% recommend it for anyone with a similar issue.