- A -
Apple CoreStorage/FileVault/Fusion Drive Volumes
- B -
Bad Sectors settings
Set default read retries count for all drives
Binary (byte to byte copy)
BitLocker System Drive Encryption
Broken File Name
Rename and change all invalid symbols to:
Broken File Name options
Create virtual volume sets or RAIDs
- C -
Connect to R-Studio settings
Allow connection from any address
Allow connection from the host
Connecting to DeepSpar Disk Imager™ manually
Contact information and technical support
Create menu
Create Virtual Block RAID & Autodetect
Creating and saving your own RAID configuration
Creating Startup Disks for Mac and Linux Computers
- D -
Data Copy in Text/hexadecimal editor
Data Recovery on HFS/HFS+ File System
Connect to the remote computer
Description Files for RAID Configuration
Devices to Store Recovered Files
Dialog box
Dialog boxes
Edit Block RAID Layout Presets
Please configure R-Studio Agent for Mac
Please configure R-Studio Agent for Windows
R-Studio Agent for Linux Configuration
There is not enough space on the disk
Drive menu
- E -
Edit menu
Find Template Signature Previous
Editor tabs
Exclusive Region options
- F -
Fast Search for Lost Partitions
File Already Exists
File Information (R-Studio Technician/T80+)
File mask options
File menu
File Systems settings
Default encoding for Ext2/Ext3/Ext4/UFS volumes
Default encoding for HFS volumes
File Type Signature Specification
File Types
Find options
Find/mark objects only in real paths, ignore links to folders
Find/Mark options
Finding Previous File Versions
Forensic Data Collection Audit Log
- H -
Help menu
Hidden Attribute
- I -
Image options
Image type:
Byte to byte image to a physical disk
Compressed image (R-Drive Image compatible)
VMDK (VmWare Virtual Machine Disk)
- K -
Known File Types settings
- L -
Log settings
Maximum messages in the Event Log
- M -
Main settings
Reset all hidden notifications
Limit usage of the process memory by
Double-click a logical disk...
Mount options
Mounting Virtual Objects in the System
- N -
Nested and Non-Standard RAID Levels
- O -
Opening several disks/partitions in one tab
- P -
Portable version of R-Studio Technician
Properties tab
- Q -
- R -
Recover options
Condense successful restoration events:
Do not recover duplicate files from Extra Found Files
Open local folder (folders) when done
Recover alternative data streams:
Recover real folders structure
Recovered only masked marked files
Region options
Contact information and technical support
Installing R-Studio Agent Emergency Startup Media Creator
Starting a Computer with the R-Studio Agent Emergency Startup Disk
R-Studio Agent for Mac main panel
R-Studio Agent for Windows main panel
Contact Informaiton and Technical Support
Installing R-Studio Emergency Startup Media Creator
Properties and Text/Hexadecimal Viewer
Starting a Computer with the R-Studio Emergency Startup Disks
R-Studio Emergency Startup Media Creator
- S -
Scan options
Search options
Shortcut menu
Find Previous Versions of the File
Find Template Signature Previous
Remove All Scanned Information
Smart drive copy
Copy all partitions onto original places
Expand/Shrink partition to whole drive
Smart partition copy
Startup Media Troubleshooting Options
Don't show symbolic links by default (Technician version)
Recovery as it is (Technician version)
Show folder symbolic links as links to their targets, without target content (Technician version)
Symbolic links display settings
Symbolic links recovery options
Syntaxis of a Description File for RAID Configurations
- T -
Technical Information and Troubleshooting
Tools menu
- U -
- V -
View menu
Virtual Disk Formats
Volume Sets, Stripe Sets, and Mirrors
- W -
Working with RAID 6 Presets
BitLocker Drive Encryption , or BitLocker , is a data protection feature introduced by Microsoft since Windows Vista. It implements some hard/software measures to encrypt either USB external flash drives or internal system SSD/HDD devices. You may read more about BitLocker Drive Encryption on the Microsoft site or Wikipedia .
There are following encryption methods (protectors in the Microsoft terms) that can be utilized in the BitLocker protection:
• A TPM/TPM+PIN chip
• A USB key (a flash drive containing a .bek file)
• A user's password (not to confuse with a user's logon password) / recovery key
These methods can be used either individually or as a combination thereof. If they are used as a combination, knowing the decryption information for only one method is enough to unlock the device.
R‑Studio can unlock devices encrypted with BitLocker provided that all the necessary information is known.
BitLocker ToGo
This is the method used to lock external removable devices. The password or a recovery key is necessary to know to unlock the device. A recovery key may be in the printed form or contained in a file. A name of such a file has the following pattern: BitLocker Recovery Key 600397A9-48AA-4DE4-B775-C71EB130EA1B.txt , where the last characters is the BitLocker volume identifier. That file contains the BitLocker volume identifier and a recovery key.
To unlock a BitLocker ToGo device,
1 | Locate the device and double-click the BitLocker partition. |
2 | Enter the password or recovery key and click the Unlock button. |
> | R‑Studio will unlock the volume |
BitLocker System Drive Encryption
This is the method used to lock internal system drives.
Depending on what methods are used, the following information is necessary to know to unlock the drive.
• A recovery key in the printed form or in a file. A name of such a file has the following pattern: BitLocker Recovery Key FDA7B96C-635E-45AA-BE63-00C3DB3771EE.txt , where the last characters is the BitLocker volume identifier. That file contains the BitLocker volume identifier and a recovery key.
• A password used to start the preboot process. It shouldn't be confused with the password for the user's logon.
• An external USB flash drive containing its .bek file. Note that Windows sets System and Hidden attributes for such files and Windows doesn't show such files by default.
To unlock a system drive with a BitLocker partition ,
1 | Locate the device and double-click the BitLocker partition. |
2 | Enter the password or recovery key and click the Unlock button. |
If you have the .bec file, click the Unlock by key file button and load the file.
> | R‑Studio will unlock the volume |
Only in registered R-Studio Technician/T80+ versions.
If only the TPM/TPM+PIN hardware was used to encrypt the partition, you must have either the FVEK (Full Volume Encryption Key) or VMK (Volume Master Key) data. Obtaining these keys is a very hard task, only quite advanced forensic professionals can do that using specialized hardware. Sometimes it may be possible to extract a FVEK from memory dumps and/or hibernation files, but this is still not a trivial process.
If you have FVEK or VMK data, click the Advanced button, select the key type of the data, enter the key or load a file with the key.
R‑Studio will unlock the volume.
You may also save and load encryption information from a BitLocker Encryption volume.