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Ventura+: Running R-Studio for the First Time

When you start R-Studio for the first time on a Mac computer with Apple Silicon running under macOS Ventura, a System Extension Blocked warning message will appear.

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System Extension Blocked message


At the same time R-Studio will throw its own message:

Click to enlarge

R-Studio Warning Message

If you need access to your system disk , click the Open System Preferences button on any of the messages, go to the Privacy & Security preferences, select App Store and identified developers in the Security section.

The To enable system extensions, you need to modify your security settings in the Recovery environment message will appear.

Click to enlarge

To enable system extensions...

Click the Shutdown button.


Wait until you Mac is completely off and restart it to macOS Recovery Mode .

Select Startup Security Utility from the Utilities menu and then click Security Policy...

In Startup Security Utility , select Reduced Security and then Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers .

Click the OK button and then restart your computer.


Upon restart, go to the go to the Privacy & Security preferences again and click the Enable System Extensions... button in the Security section.

Click to enlarge


And restart computer.


R-Studio will start with full access to your system disk. You need to follow this procedure only once, next time R-Studio will start without these messages.


If you don’t want to unblock R-Studio , click the Exit button on the R-Studio's message. R-Studio will start and work properly, but without access to the system disk and when you  start R-Studio next time, its message will appear again. You will be able to unblock the program if needed.