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R‑Studio allows you to create and process very complex custom RAID layouts.
For example, let us create a RAID 5 with the following layout:
• Three drives,
• Block size: 4 KB
• Offset: 32768 sectors (64 KB)
• Block order:
A |
B |
C |
1 |
PD |
1 |
2 |
2 |
PD |
3 |
4 |
3 |
PD |
5 |
6 |
4 |
7 |
PD |
8 |
5 |
9 |
PD |
10 |
6 |
11 |
PD |
12 |
7 |
13 |
14 |
PD |
8 |
15 |
16 |
PD |
9 |
17 |
18 |
PD |
To create such RAID 5,
1 | Click the Create virtual volume sets or RAIDs button and select Create Virtual Block RAID & Autodetect |
or select Create Virtual Block RAID & Autodetect on the Create menu
Check that the Apply changes immediately check box is clear on the Parents tab. This will prevent R‑Studio from trying to start processing the RAID configuration until you specify it completely.
2 | Drug the required objects from the Drives pane to the Parents tab and select Custom on the RAID type |
• Right-click the Parents tab and select the required partition from the shortcut menu , or • Right-click the partition in the Drives panel, select Add to RAID on the shortcut menu, and select the RAID object you want to add the partition to. |
These objects may be drives, logical disks , or images. Check that the objects are correctly placed.
Locate |
Click this button to locate the selected object in the Drives panel. |
Add Empty Space/Add Missing Drive |
Click this button to add an empty space or missing drive object to the RAID |
Remove |
Click this button to remove the selected object from the RAID |
Move Up |
Click this button to move up the selected object in the RAID |
Move Down |
Click this button to move down the selected object in the RAID |
Synchronize Offsets |
Click this button to make the offsets the same for all objects in the RAID |
Reset changes |
Click this button to return the configuration to the initial state (after clicking the Apply button or immediately after loading) |
3 | Specify the Block size and Offset parameters on the Parents tab |
Disregard the Block order for field.
4 | Manually enter 9 to Number of rows on the Parents tab |
The Block order table will expand.
5 | Enter the block order in the table on the Parents tab |
Use the RAID Sequence window to move from one row to another.
Using the keyboard : arrow keys to navigate, digit and p keys to enter the block order.
Using the mouse : right-click the cell and select the number or parity from the shortcut menu. If the block table is too large, you better use the keyboard to enter the digits.
Corrections : R‑Studio will tell you if some digits are not correct . Navigate to the required cell and enter the correct value. Use the Delete key to clear a cell.
Clear the table : Right-click the table and select Clear all on the shortcut menu.
6 | When you finishes entering the information, click the Apply button on the Parents tab |
> | The created Virtual Block RAID 1 object can now be processed like regular drives/volumes |
If R‑Studio detects a valid file system on this RAID object, a partition object will appear in the Drives panel.
The Description Files for RAID Configurations topic shows the RAID description file for this RAID configuration.
You also may check the RAID consistency, if necessary. See the Checking RAID Consistency help page for details.
Another example is a RAID with the following layout, similar to that used in Mac Pro internal RAID cards with 4 drives.
• Four drives,
• Block size: 512 KB (1024 sectors)
• Offset: 32768 sectors (64 KB)
• Block order:
Sequence 1 |
Sequence 2 |
Sequence 3 |
Sequence 4 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
A |
B |
C |
D |
A |
B |
C |
D |
PD |
1 |
2 |
PD |
3 |
4 |
PD |
5 |
6 |
PD |
7 |
8 |
As you see, this layout cannot be fit directly into a standard 2D block order table. Still, it's possible to create such RAID layout using the RAID Sequence window.
To create such RAID,
1 | Click the Create virtual volume sets or RAIDs button and select Create Virtual Block RAID & Autodetect |
or select Create Virtual Block RAID & Autodetect on the Create menu
Check that the Apply changes immediately check box is clear on the Parents tab. This will prevent R‑Studio from trying to start processing the RAID configuration until you specify it completely.
2 | Drug the required objects from the Drives pane to the Parents tab and select Custom on the RAID type |
• Right-click the Parents tab and select the required partition from the shortcut menu , or • Right-click the partition in the Drives panel, select Add to RAID on the shortcut menu, and select the RAID object you want to add the partition to. |
These objects may be drives, logical disks, or images. Check that the objects are correctly placed.
Locate |
Click this button to locate the selected object in the Drives panel. |
Add Empty Space/Add Missing Drive |
Click this button to add an empty space or missing drive object to the RAID |
Remove |
Click this button to remove the selected object from the RAID |
Move Up |
Click this button to move up the selected object in the RAID |
Move Down |
Click this button to move down the selected object in the RAID |
Synchronize Offsets |
Click this button to make the offsets the same for all objects in the RAID |
Reset changes |
Click this button to return the configuration to the initial state (after clicking the Apply button or immediately after loading) |
3 | Specify the Block size and Offset parameters on the Parents tab |
Disregard the Block order field.
4 | Manually enter 3 to Number of rows on the Parents tab and change Block order to Custom |
5 | Right-click the RAID Sequence window and select Remove All. Manually enter 3 to Number of rows on the Parents tab |
6 | Right-click Cell 1 in the block order table and select Create New Sequence . |
7 | Right-click Cell 2 in the block order table and select Add to Sequence, do that for Cell 3, too . |
8 | Right-click Cell 4 in the block order table and select Create New Sequence . |
9 | Right-click Cell 5 in the block order table and select Add to Sequence, do that for Cell 6, too . |
Continue those steps for the rest of the table until the RAID Sequence window will have 4 sequences of 3 drives:
10 | Select the first line in the RAID Sequence window, right-click Cell 1 in the block order table, and select Parity of Data. |
If any unnecessary sequences appear, right-click them in the RAID Sequence window, and select Remove.
11 | Right-click Cell 2 in the block order table and select 1 , do that for Cell 3 selecting 2 . |
If any unnecessary sequences appear, right-click them in the RAID Sequence window, and select Remove.
12 | Move to the next sequence in the RAID Sequence window and repeat the procedure for cells 4, 5, and 6. |
Do that for the rest of the sequences until you fill all cells in the block order table in the Parents tab .
> | The created Virtual Block RAID 1 object can now be processed like regular drives/volumes |
If R‑Studio detects a valid file system on this RAID object, a partition object will appear in the Drives panel.
The Description Files for RAID Configurations topic shows the RAID description file for this RAID configuration.
You also may check the RAID consistency, if necessary. See the Checking RAID Consistency help page for details.
For example, let us create a RAID 6 with the following layout:
• Five drives,
• Block size: 64 KB
• Offset: 0
• Block order:
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
1 |
RS |
1 |
2 |
3 |
PD |
2 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
PD |
RS |
3 |
8 |
9 |
PD |
RS |
7 |
4 |
12 |
PD |
RS |
10 |
11 |
5 |
PD |
RS |
13 |
14 |
15 |
6 |
PA |
PA |
PA |
PA |
PA |
PD is parity of data;
PA is parity of all;
RS is Reed-Solomon;
Rows from 1 to 5 use two types of error correction: parity of data (xor) and Reed-Solomon. That is, row 1 uses blocks A1 and E1, row 2 uses blocks D2 and E2, and so on.
Row 6 is used for error correction for columns. That is, column A uses block A6, column B uses B6, and so on. Parity of all is used for error correction.
1 | Click the Create virtual volume sets or RAIDs button and select Create Virtual Block RAID & Autodetect |
or select Create Virtual Block RAID & Autodetect on the Create menu
Check that the Apply changes immediately check box is clear on the Parents tab. This will prevent R‑Studio from trying to start processing the RAID configuration until you specify it completely.
2 | Drug the required objects from the Drives pane to the Parents tab and select Custom on the RAID type |
• Right-click the Parents tab and select the required partition from the shortcut menu , or • Right-click the partition in the Drives panel, select Add to RAID on the shortcut menu, and select the RAID object you want to add the partition to. |
These objects may be drives, logical disks, or images. Check that the objects are correctly placed.
Locate |
Click this button to locate the selected object in the Drives panel. |
Add Empty Space/Add Missing Drive |
Click this button to add an empty space or missing drive object to the RAID |
Remove |
Click this button to remove the selected object from the RAID |
Move Up |
Click this button to move up the selected object in the RAID |
Move Down |
Click this button to move down the selected object in the RAID |
Synchronize Offsets |
Click this button to make the offsets the same for all objects in the RAID |
Reset changes |
Click this button to return the configuration to the initial state (after clicking the Apply button or immediately after loading) |
3 | Specify the Block size and Offset parameters on the Parents tab |
Disregard the Block order parameter .
4 | Manually enter 6 to Number of rows on the Parents tab |
5 | Enter the block order in the table on the Parents tab |
You may enter either a block number, or an error correction block of the following types:
PD |
Parity of data |
PA |
Parity of all |
RS |
Reed-Solomon |
SP |
Spare Part |
I |
Ignore |
Note: You should specify an error correction block only when the correct sequence is selected on the RAID Sequences window.
Using the keyboard : arrow keys to navigate, digit, and rs, pd, pa, u, i keys to enter the block order.
Using the mouse : right-click the cell and select the number or parity from the shortcut menu. If the block table is too large, you better use the keyboard to enter the digits.
Select the required row sequence on the RAID Sequences window, select the cell on the RAID table, and enter the required value. R‑Studio automatically generates those sequences when you add RAID parents.
You need to create those sequences and add the respective blocks to it manually.
To create a sequence: Click Add empty on the RAID Sequences window or select Create New Sequence on the shortcut menu on the Parents tab.
To add a block to a sequence: Right-click the respective cell and select Add To Sequence on the shortcut menu on the Parents tab.
To remove a block to a sequence: Right-click the respective cell and select Remove From Sequence on the shortcut menu on the Parents tab.
6 | When you finishes entering the information, click the Apply button on the Parents tab |
> | The created Virtual Block RAID 1 object can now be processed like regular drives/volumes |
If R‑Studio detects a valid file system on this RAID object, a partition object will appear in the Drives panel.
The Description Files for RAID Configurations topic shows the RAID description file for this RAID configuration.
You also may check the RAID consistency, if necessary. See the Checking RAID Consistency help page for details.