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To start a Mac or a Linux computer, you may use the following devices:
1. A USB device created using the R-Studio Emergency Startup Media Creator for Windows. See the Creating Startup Disks Using R-Studio Emergency Startup Media Creator page for more details.
2. A USB device created using a Mac or Linux computer. To create such device, download the ZIP archive of R-Studio Emergency, unzip it, and write files to a FAT32-formatted USB device.
Please note that you cannot use this disk to start non-UEFI computers (old Macs, for example), nor can you just copy those files to a CD/DVD disc to create an R-Studio Emergency startup disc. If you need a CD/DVD disk, burn it using the ISO image.
3. A startup CD/DVD disc. Download the ISO image of that disk and burn it or use the R-Studio Emergency Startup Media Creator for Windows to burn it on a Windows computer.