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Starting a Computer with the R-Studio Agent Emergency Startup Disk

We recommended that you print out this help page and have the hardcopy on hand while you are performing this action.

Before you start the computer you should be aware that your network has a DHCP server or you know the computer's IP address and network mask.

If there is a non-IDE disk controller in your system, or you plan to use network disks or external hardware devices , first check the Hardware Compatibility List .

If you plan to use any external device, turn it on before starting the system.

If the motherboard in your computer supports the Serial ATA (SATA) devices, but IDE disks are also present, only the SATA devices should be set to the Enhanced Mode in BIOS.

To start the computer with the R-Studio Agent Emergency startup disks

1 Make sure that the first startup device in the system BIOS is the device from which you plan to start your computer (a CD/DVD drive or A (Floppy))

Disable " Secure boot " in the system BIOS if your computer is certified to run Windows 8. Refer to your system documentation for details. Refer to your system documentation for details.

2 Insert the R-Studio Agent Emergency startup CD/DVD disc, a removable device, or the first floppy disk and start your computer
> R-Studio Agent Emergency will start and its prompt will appear

If you start your computer with floppy disks, you'll see prompts to insert a next floppy disk.


Booting R-Studio Emergency. Please wait...

Waiting 8 seconds for PCMCIA devices to settle

Booting R-Studio Agent Emergency. Now you may remove floppy.


Querying DHCP to configure network interfaces...

Press ENTER within 10 seconds to configure them manually.

If your network has a DHCP server

The computer running R-Studio Agent Emergency will be assigned an IP address automatically

A prompt with a computer address will appear. You need to remember it to access the computer via network.

If your network does not have a DHCP server

You need to configure the interfaces and IP addresses manually.

1. A prompt to select an interface will appear. Enter the selected interface name and press Enter .

2. A prompt to enter its IP address and optional subnet mask will appear. Enter the IP address and optional subnet mask and press Enter .

------------------------[ List of Interfaces ]--------------------------------

Name           IP Address            NETMASK            Vendor


re0            Unconfigured                             RealTek 8139C+


# Enter interface name, 'gw' for default gateway or just press ENTER to finish


# Enter IP address and optional NETMASK delimited by space


3. A prompt to configure another interface, gateway, or to finish configuring the interfaces will appear. Enter gw , enter the IP address of the gateway, and press Enter .

------------------------[ List of Interfaces ]--------------------------------

Name           IP Address            NETMASK          Vendor


re0            Unconfigured                           RealTek 8139C+


# Enter interface name, 'gw' for default gateway or just press ENTER to finish


# Enter IP address and optional NETMASK delimited by space



------------------------[ List of Interfaces ]--------------------------------

Name           IP Address            NETMASK            Vendor


re0        RealTek 8139C+

gw             Unconfigured                             Default gateway


# Enter interface name, 'gw' for default gateway or just press ENTER to finish


# Enter default gateway IP Address



------------------------[ List of Interfaces ]--------------------------------

Name           IP Address            NETMASK            Vendor


re0        RealTek 8139C+

gw                                 Default gateway


# Enter interface name, 'gw' for default gateway or just press ENTER to finish


4. Press Enter to finish configuring the interfaces, or enter the name of the next interface to configure.

> R-Studio Agent Emergency will show a prompt that is ready to accept connections

* R-Studio Agent started and ready to accept connections...

* You may press ENTER to start to remote R-Studio...

Now the computer may be accessed by R-Studio via network.

Starting a Connection from R-Studio Agent Emergency

When you need to connect R-Studio and R-Studio Agent Emergency over the Internet, it may be necessary to start the connection from the computer where R-Studio Agent Emergency is running.

To connect to R-Studio 's computer,

1 Press the Enter key and enter the IP address of the computer where R-Studio is running as IPaddress:port .

* R-Studio Agent started and ready to accept connections...

* You may press ENTER to start connection to remote R-Studio...

# Enter R-Studio IP address or just press ENTER to cancel>

The default port is 8080, and you don't have to specify it.

2 Enter the password if required, and press the Enter key.

* R-Studio Agent started and ready to accept connections...

* You may press ENTER to start connection to remote R-Studio...

# Enter R-Studio IP address or just press ENTER to cancel>

# Enter password or just press ENTER to connect without one>PaSsWoRd1234

> When the connection is established successfully, R-Studio Agent Emergency will notify you about this.

* R-Studio Agent started and ready to accept connections...

* You may press ENTER to start connection to remote R-Studio...

# Enter R-Studio IP address or just press ENTER to cancel>

# Enter password or just press ENTER to connect without one>PaSsWoRd1234

Connection with is established successfully.