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R‑Studio for Linux Command Line Command and Switches

You may start R‑Studio for Linux from the terminal using the following command:

For R‑Studio for Linux : rstudio .

For R‑Studio for Linux Technician : rstudio-tech .

Note: You need to elevate your privilegies if you're not the root to start R‑Studio for Linux .

If there are problems in starting R‑Studio for Linux and while working with it, you may use switches to avoid them.

The following switches are available:


Forces R‑Studio for Linux to show all logical disks in the system. Normally R‑Studio for Linux shows only local disks in the system. Some storage devices may pretend that they are not local disks.


Includes additional debug information. When this switch is used, an additional command Create FS Snapshot on the context menu appears for an object with a file system. An FS Snapshot contains system data for the file system only (file descriptions without file contents). If a problem appears, this snapshot can be sent to R‑Studio for Linux technical support to identify the problem. This switch greatly slows R‑Studio for Linux . You may also turn this mode on by selecting Debug Mode on the Settings dialog box.


Flushes the log file after each write to log operations. This switch is helpful when R‑Studio for Linux locks and its log file remains in memory cache unwritten to a disk. This switch greatly slows R‑Studio for Linux .

-log <filename>

Started with this switch, R‑Studio for Linux writes its log into the specified file. If R‑Studio for Linux locks and its log file remains in memory cache unwritten to a disk, use the -flush switch.

-mem <size in MB>

Sets memory usage limit in MB for R‑Studio for Linux to reconstruct the file tree. When it exceeds the limit, a Too many files... message appears. You may temporally stop file listing and browse through found files. Then you can resume file listing. You also may skip this file section and continue file listing. Example: -mem 400 - sets the limit to 400 MB.


Turns off the inquiry about extended information on HDDs in Wind9x/ME. This switch may be helpful if R‑Studio for Linux returns information about HDDs incorrectly (detects HDD geometry incorrectly).


Turns off the disc access through Int13 in Wind9x/ME. This switch may be helpful if the system operates incorrectly (detects HDD geometry incorrectly or lock the system).


Turns off the Wind9x/ME protected-mode I/O system. This switch may be helpful if this system operates incorrectly (detects HDD geometry incorrectly or lock the system).


R‑Studio for Linux resets an HDD controller each time it reads a bad sector . This switch may be helpful if the controller locks after it attempts to read a bad sector, or returns incorrect data.


Disables automatic partition search on a hard drive, file system recognition on partitions, and other potentially problematic operations. In this mode, it is necessary to use Find partition command from the hard drive context menu to manually find a partition.

If an unrecognized problem appears, start R‑Studio for Linux with the -debug and -log <filename> switches, and send the log and screenshot of the R‑Studio for Linux main panel to the R‑Studio for Linux technical support:

R‑Studio for Linux Technical Support Team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and has an average response time less than 4 hours.