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Basic File Recovery


Or you may obtain unpredictable results and lose all of your data.

See the Data Recovery Issues topic for details.

Basic file recovery can be made for deleted files that has resided on an existing partition visible to the operating system. In all other cases, Advanced Data Recovery is required.

To recover deleted files from a logical disk (recognized partition),

1 Double-click a logical disk on the R‑Studio for Linux 's Drives panel to enumerate files on the disk

Click to expand/collapse Other ways to enumerate files

If you try to enumerate files on a hard drive or another object without a valid file system on it, a Double-click a logical disk... message will appear. Select a logical disk on the object or scan the object.

> R‑Studio for Linux will change its panel showing the disk's folders/​files structure

R‑Studio for Linux analyzes data on the object and displays all files for which records have been found in the analyzed tables. If files have not been found, that means that their records have been deleted. To find such files, Advanced Data Recovery is required.

Please note that R‑Studio for Linux shows only those files/​folders that match a specified file mask .

Click to expand/collapse R-Studio for Linux Main panel

The Log panel will show how many files and folders are on the object, and their size. You may specify which events will be shown in the log pane by setting a log filter .

Note: Metafiles are the file system's internal files invisible to any user, or file system data, which R‑Studio for Linux represents as files. These files do not contain user data directly. Unless you want to scrutinize a disk file system, do not restore them.

If the Too many files... message appears, you may temporally stop file listing and browse through found files. Then you can resume file listing. You also may skip this file topic and continue. R‑Studio for Linux will keep information about the entire file structure.

You may also copy the information about folders and files.

2 Select a file/folder to recover

You may select several files/​folders in the same parent folder by pressing the Shift button and clicking the objects simultaneously.

Click to expand/collapse Marking multiple files/folders from different parent folders manually:

R‑Studio for Linux can search for a particular file. Go to the Searching for a File topic for details. If you need to find and mark many files, go to the Find and Mark Multiple Files topic for details.

File content may be previewed before recovery. Go to the Previewing Files topic for details.

If you do not find files that you want to recover:

Sometimes R‑Studio for Linux can find the files but not the entire file paths to them. It puts such files into the Extra Found Files folder. Try to search for the files there. If that does not help, try to find them by using file search globally on the entire disk. Go to the Searching for a File topic for details

If you still cannot find files that you want to recover but are sure they have existed on the logical disk, you need to use Advanced Data Recovery to find them.

3 Click the Recover or Recover Marked button

Click to expand/collapse Other ways to recover selected files

4 Specify recover options and output folder on the Recover dialog box and click the OK button
Click to enlarge

Recover dialog box

Click to enlarge

Recover (Advanced) dialog box


If you have another computer connected to R‑Studio for Linux over network, the Recover dialog box will be slightly different. See Data recovery over network for details.

Click to expand/collapse Recover options

If you want to recover multiple files at once, go to the Recover Multiple Files for more information

R-Studio Technician/T80+

It has additional Recovery options.

If a file to be recovered appears to have an invalid name, a Broken File Name dialog box will appear. You may correct the name and resume file recovery.

Click to enlarge

Broken File Name dialog box

Click to expand/collapse Broken File Name properties

If there is no space available for the recovered files, the There is not enough space on the disk dialog box will appear. You may either select other place to store the files, skip that particular file or abort the recovery process.

Click to enlarge

There is not enough space on the disk dialog box

> R‑Studio for Linux will recover the selected/marked files/​folders to the specified folder and show the results in the Log pane

The Recovery progress indicator will show the log and progress of recovery process.

You may change some options during the process of file recovery

Only in the Technician version

Note: R‑Studio for Linux recovers files from Ext2/3/4FS partitions, but can write them to any local or network disks. . R‑Studio for Linux successfully recovers files from Ext2FS partitions except its security attributes. R‑Studio for Linux recovers symlinks as files containing the path to files which symlinks point to.

See Data Recovery on HFS/HFS+ file system for details on recovering data from disks with the HFS/HFS+ file system

Opening several disk/partitions in one tab

Searching for a File

Finding Previous File Versions

Previewing Files

File Masks

Regular Expressions

Event Log