- A -
- B -
Bad Sectors settings
Broken File Name
Rename and change all invalid symbols to:
Broken File Name options
- C -
Contact information and technical support
Context menu
Delete All Scanned Information
Find Previous Versions of the File
Find Template Signature Previous
Create menu
- D -
Data Copy in Text/hexadecimal viewer
Dialog boxes
Drive menu
- E -
Edit menu
Find Template Signature Previous
Exclusive Region options
- F -
File Already Exists
File mask options
File menu
File Systems settings
Default encoding for Ext2/Ext3/Ext4/UFS volumes
Default encoding for HFS volumes
File Types
Find options
Finding Previous File Versions
- H -
Help menu
- I -
Image options
Compressed image (R-Drive Image compatible)
- L -
Log settings
Maximum messages in the Event Log
- M -
Main settings
Reset all hidden notifications
Double-click a logical disk...
- O -
Opening several disks/partitions in one tab
- P -
Properties tab
- R -
Recover options
Condense successful restoration events:
Recover alternative data streams:
Region options
- S -
Scan options
Search options
- T -
Technical Information and Troubleshooting
Tools menu
- V -
Various Disk and Volume Managers
View menu
R-Linux System Requirements
• An Intel-compatible x86 or 64-bit platform with 32 MB RAM, a mouse, and enough disk space for recovered files, image files, etc.
• Linux: Fedora 12+, Ubuntu/Kubuntu 10.4+ , Debian 4.0+ or any kernel 2.6+ Linux distribution capable of installing .rpm or .deb packages.
• Any Window manager.
• X.Org X server 1.7.6+ installed.
• Root privileges to install and run the program.