- A -
- B -
Bad Sectors settings
Broken File Name
Rename and change all invalid symbols to:
Broken File Name options
- C -
Contact information and technical support
Context menu
Delete All Scanned Information
Find Previous Versions of the File
Find Template Signature Previous
Create menu
- D -
Data Copy in Text/hexadecimal viewer
Dialog boxes
Drive menu
- E -
Edit menu
Find Template Signature Previous
Exclusive Region options
- F -
File Already Exists
File mask options
File menu
File Systems settings
Default encoding for Ext2/Ext3/Ext4/UFS volumes
Default encoding for HFS volumes
File Types
Find options
Finding Previous File Versions
- H -
Help menu
- I -
Image options
Compressed image (R-Drive Image compatible)
- L -
Log settings
Maximum messages in the Event Log
- M -
Main settings
Reset all hidden notifications
Double-click a logical disk...
- O -
Opening several disks/partitions in one tab
- P -
Properties tab
- R -
Recover options
Condense successful restoration events:
Recover alternative data streams:
Region options
- S -
Scan options
Search options
- T -
Technical Information and Troubleshooting
Tools menu
- V -
Various Disk and Volume Managers
View menu
R-Linux is a file recover utility for the Ext2/3/4FS file system used in the Linux OS and several Unixes. R-Linux uses unique IntelligentScan technology and flexible parameter settings to give you real control over the fastest data recovery ever seen. It recovers files from existing partitions even when file records are lost.
R-Linux is a lite version of more powerful file recover utility R-Studio . R-Studio utilizes the IntelligentScan technology to its full extent, and therefore can recover data from partitions with broken file systems. Also, R-Studio recovers data over network. To learn more about R-Studio , go to the R-Studio Features help page. To learn more about the IntelligentScan technology, go to the IntelligentScan help page.
R-Linux features:
• Standard "Windows Explorer" - style interface.
• Host OS: Linux, kernel 2.6 and above
• Supported file systems: Ext2/3/4FS (created by Linux or other OS).
• Support for known file types. R-Linux searches for files with known typical features of their structures allowing the user to search for files on devices with unknown files systems, including an HD, CD, DVD, floppy disk, Compact Flash Card, USB drive, ZIP drive, Memory Sticks, and other removable media.
• Scan process visualization. While scanning an object, R-Linux graphically shows items that have been found,.
• Creates image files for an entire hard drive, partition, or its part. Such image files can be processed like regular disks. Images can be either simple exact object copies (Plain images) compatible with the previous versions of R-Linux , or compressed images that can be compressed, split into several parts, and password-protected. Such images are fully compatible with the images created by R-Drive Image , but incompatible with the previous versions of R-Linux . R-Linux can scan objects while creating their images.
• Recovers files on damaged or deleted partitions.
• Support for estimation of chances for successful recovery.
• Recovered files can be saved on any (including network) disks visible by the host operating system.
• Support for Linux mdadm Volumes
• Support for Linux LVM/LVM2
• A hexadecimal disk and file viewer.
• Patterns (or templates) in the hexadecimal viewer allowing for parsing the data according to specific data structure. Such patterns may be custom-created.
R-Linux recovers files:
• Removed by virus attack or power failure;
• After the partition with the files was reformatted, even for a different file system;
• When the partition structure on a hard drive was changed or damaged. In this case, R-Linux can scan the drive trying to find previously existed partitions and recover files from found partitions.
• From disks with bad sectors. In this case, R-Linux can first copy the entire disk or its part into an image file and then process such image file.
R-Linux can create image files for an entire hard drive, partition, or its part. Such image files can be processed like regular disks. Images are very useful if there is a risk of total data loss due to hardware malfunction. If bad blocks are constantly appearing on a hard drive, the only way to save the data is to immediately create an image of that drive. All data search, scan and recovery can be done from this image.