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Windows Dynamic Disks

R‑Studio supports dynamic disks , including Windows software RAIDs , mirrors, and spanned volumes. When R‑Studio detects components from such dynamic disks, it assembles them accordingly.

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Windows dynamic disks (RAID5)

R‑Studio detects components form dynamic disks and creates those dynamic disks automatically. At the same time, R‑Studio gives access to the parents of the dynamic disks (drives and images).

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Windows dynamic disks (RAID5) in R-Studio

If recognized parents of a dynamic disk, including drive images, are added to R‑Studio later, it automatically adds them to their respective dynamic disk.

When an automatically created dynamic disk is selected, R‑Studio highlights its components.

Also, R‑Studio automatically detects inconsistent components of dynamic disks and marks them accordingly.

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Windows dynamic disks (RAID5) with unsynced parent

R‑Studio shows the components of the selected dynamic disk on its LDM Components tab.

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LDM Components tab

R‑Studio shows broken dynamic disks in pink.

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Broken dynamic disks in R-Studio

The LDM Components tab also allows you to manually disconnect or connect the components, for example, if they are such damaged that R‑Studio cannot recognize them as parts of a broken dynamic disk. Select the object from the drop-down box and click the Connect button. R‑Studio displays the objects it recognizes as the components of the dynamic disk in blue.

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Adding a component manually

You may immediately switch to the dynamic disk configuration that R‑Studio believes most probable by clicking the Reassemble button.

R‑Studio shows dynamic disks with manually added components in blue:

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Dynamic disks with added components in R-Studio